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The Resolution Resolution

I wrote this last year and I’m offering it again because the resolution is the same and unfortunately, the results probably will be too.  I only changed the year. I am making only one resolution for 2025:  No resolutions.  Why?  Because I never keep them, so why bother?

Here is a list of my broken promises to myself:

1.       Lose weight. Oh, of course, I’m the ONLY person in America who has resolved to do this and failed. Ever been to a Weight Watchers meeting the first week of the new year? Then check it out again a couple of months later. 

2.       Eat healthier. I kept that one till I caught a whiff of Five Guys as I walked past in mid-January.

3.       Exercise more. I actually stuck with this one a whole month until I got “busy” with work. 

4.       Be a more courteous driver. Wellll, that one lasted till the first time I was cut off in traffic.

5.       Be nicer to my husband. He will tell you this one never got off the launch pad.

6.       Buy fewer shoes. I kept this one till I realized I really NEEDED a good pair of walking shoes. It wasn’t about style; it was about my back after all.   

7.       Watch less TV and read more. I did pretty well with this one, since I like to read, until the novel I finished was made into a TV series. I mean, I HAD to watch to see if they had done justice to the book, right?

8.       Do my own housework.  This one was a complete non-starter. It was nice to THINK about all the money I’d save, but it seems unfair, somehow, to the people who do this for a living. I believe it was during the Reagan Administration that the term “trickle down economy” was coined. So I trickled already. 


I’m sure there were other resolutions, but they’re lost to time and shame at my lack of self-discipline. I keep hoping some clever scientist will invent a “backbone” pill to strengthen my resolve. 

Until then, I’ll waddle along through my Old School life in my unfit unhealthiness, driving like a maniac and snarling at my husband. But I’ll have great shoes and know the TV schedule by heart. There are compensations, after all.   

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